What is SMZ-Med® 454?
SMZ-Med® 454 is a soluble powder available in a 453.5 g foil pack that contains 100% sodium sulfamethazine.
Caution: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.
For the control and treatment of the following diseases when caused by one or more of the following pathogenic organisms susceptible to sulfamethazine.

For the treatment of:
- Bacterial Pneumonia and Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (Shipping Fever Complex) (Pasteurella spp.)
- Colibacillosis (Bacterial Scours) (Escherichia coli)
- Necrotic Pododermatitis (Foot Rot) (Fusobacterium necrophorum)
- Calf Diphtheria (Fusobacterium necrophorum)
- Acute Metritis (Streptococcus spp.)
Beef Cattle
For the treatment of:
- Acute Mastitis (Streptococcus spp.)

For the treatment of:
- Porcine Colibacillosis (Bacterial Scours) (Escherichia coli)
- Bacterial Pneumonia (Pasteurella spp.)

For the control of:
- Infectious Coryza (Avibacterium paragallinarum)
- Coccidiosis (Eimeria tenella, Eimeria necatrix)
- Acute Fowl Cholera (Pasteurella multocida)
- Pullorum Disease (Salmonella Pullorum)

For the control of:
- Coccidiosis (Eimeria meleagrimitis, Eimeria adenoeides)
- Highly Soluble: Mixes readily and thoroughly in water
- Convenient: Once-a-day dosage in drinking water or as a drench
- Fast Acting: Symptom relief usually apparent in two to three days
- Easy to Use: One packet/gallon of water prepares recommended 12.0% stock solution
- Safe: Approved by FDA
Withdrawal Period
Cattle | Pigs | Chicken | Turkeys | |
Meat and Offal | 10 days | 15 days | 10 days | 10 days |
Eggs | Do not medicate chickens producing eggs for human consumption. | Do not medicate turkeys producing eggs for human consumption. | ||
Milk | Do not use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older. |
Additional Safety Information
- Have only medicated water available during treatment. Ensure adequate drug dosage and water intake.
- Cattle and calves not drinking or eating must be dosed by drench or with immediate sulfamethazine bolus.
- For best results, treat animals individually.
- Excessive dosage may cause toxic reactions.
- Hatchability of eggs laid during medication with sulfas, and for short periods thereafter, may be adversely affected.
Pack Size
List No. | Pack Size | Case Size |
1SUL006 | 453.5 g pouch | 20 |